
Jul 26, 1999
Attention AJ and KWJames.

I thought maybe you guys could answer this question before I contacted anyone else at the AMA.

If you go to the AMA website and follow the link to the page labeled: "So you want to race" you'll find a map of the US showing all of the AMA districts. Here's what that page says about districts:

The AMA is geographically divided into 43 districts. A district organization is composed of enthusiasts like you, as well as clubs, promoters and elected district officials.

The shaded areas of the map represent recognized AMA districts. Many of the recognized AMA districts have an abundance of motorcycling activity and the task of issuing racing numbers, points keeping and rider advancement is handled at the district level. This system has proven the most efficient and most responsive to riders' needs.

If you live in a recognized AMA district and plan to start racing, you may have to become a member of the district in addition to being an AMA member. As a member of your local AMA district you may be issued a racing number, be eligible to earn points at events in which you participate, and have those points recorded for the purpose of advancement to higher classifications of competition and year-end awards.

The unshaded areas of the map above represent non-recognized AMA districts, where there is no local body governing the racing activity on behalf of the AMA. If you live in any of these areas and need competition information, contact the AMA Member Activities Department directly at 13515 Yarmouth Dr., Pickerington, OH 43147; (614) 856-1900, or fax at (614) 856-1921. We'll be glad to answer any questions you might have.

The part that I have a question about is the paragraph that describes unshaded areas on the map, specifically districts 19 & 43. I've been very involved with my local AMA club as an officer and also involved with my sanctioning body over the past few years. I guess I don't understand why even though we are an AMA series, our districts are label as not having any AMA recognized sanctioning body.

Here's what's written in our Series Charter:

SERA is an AMA sanctioned series for Enduro and Hare Scramble racing. The SERA Enduro and Hare Scramble series takes place in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

SERA consists of 14 AMA chartered clubs and currently has 14 Enduros and 14 Hare Scrambles on the calendar for the '00 racing season. Racing takes place throughout the year with an Awards Banquet held in February. A SERA membership is necessary to compete for Series points and year end awards. Plaques are awarded in each class at the awards banquet and all class winners as well as the Enduro Top 20 recieve custom Helmets.


The purpose of the Southern Enduro Riders Association is the promotion and standardization of enduro and hare scrambles competition in Districts 19 and 43 of the American Motorcycle Association. A point accumulation system will allow riders to compete for Overall and Class Championships. The series shall be climaxed by an Awards Banquet for the purpose of recognizing and awarding prizes to the winners.


The organization of the Southern Enduro Riders Association will consist of member American Motorcycle Association clubs of Districts 19 and 43. The governing body of the Association will consist of two (2) representatives from each member club. The Club Council shall meet at least twice annually for the purpose of agenda, rule additions/deletions and/or changes, and to conduct any matter of general business that may be appropriately handled by the Club Council. All appeals, including Special Appeals, to be heard by the Club Council must be in writing and submitted to the SERA officers and Club Presidents at least three weeks before the meeting in which the appeals are to be resolved. The Club Council shall be the final authority for the purposes of conducting and regulating the affairs of the Association. The Rules Committee shall make recommendations to the Club Council by September 1 for rule changes for the following season. The Rules Committee Chairman, representing all classes. The Rules Committee is to be represented on the Club Council by the Chairman or an alternate approved by the Rules Committee as a non-voting member.


Officers of the Southern Enduro riders Association will consist of Chairman, Points Steward, Secretary/Treasurer, Rules Committee Chairman and Hare Scrambles Chairman. Each officer is entitled to rider free of charge in each SERA sponsored event. At the end of the season these officers will be presented an award for their services. Any person serving as a SERA OFFICER for a total of 15 years will be entitled to become a chartered officer and will receive a free of charge ride in each SERA member club sponsored event for life.


There will be dues in the amount of $25.00 assessed annually for individual memberships. Additionally, each club sponsoring or co-sponsoring a SERA event shall forward to the Points Steward all riders fees related to their event. All revenues derived will be used to cover expenses of the Association and to finance the Awards Banquet at the year's end. The association Chairman or his delegate shall provide a complete financial report at the two annual meetings and publish a yearly financial report to all members.

Championship Recognition

All members of the Southern Enduro Riders Association shall be eligible to compete in the Championship Series and earn points at the designated Point-Paying events. These points shall be totaled at the end of the year to determine the Overall and Class Champions. An Awards Banquet shall be held at a location selected by the Club Council for the purposes of celebrating the year's events and awarding prizes.

So, what do you think? It clearly states that the series was established to standardize and keep points for Enduro & Hare Scramble racing in the AMA districts 19 & 43. All of the clubs that make up the organization are AMA clubs. I know that our series works very closely with the AMA.

Is this some type of oversight on the AMAs part? I'm just curious as to how the AMA would define and represent our organization. We are one of the oldest series/sanctioning bodies in the country and have had the AMA logo embedded into our own series logo since the creation of our organization.

I'm not trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill, in fact, just the opposite. I'm curious to know more about the AMA and how they work. (Don't let my wife know, but I might want to become more involved. :) ) This is just something that I've been curious about since I became involved with SERA back in '94. I just never knew who to ask.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
My thoughts on this......

Reading the above post it sounds like you have hare scrambles and enduros covered very well. They may not consider the district "recognized" since All of the racing entities are not represented by your group.
D-17 represents all forms of riding and racing.....of course some parts are bigger then others but I think its the total group that makes it a District that ama has termed "recognized"

Honestly if no one else in your area has taken the bull by the horns to become a district. You guys may want to. Considering the insurance stuff that is likely to happen next year its going to get very interesting.

If you are interested in all that contract Hugh or Bill at AMA they would know what and how to implement this stuff.


Sep 22, 2000
It is like what Wardy said, in many places there are activities, but no local support that is willing to take the bull by the horns and make things happen.

There are opportunities available to become an AMA Field Rep, which is basically just a Goodwill Ambassador that volunteers time and effort to help make things happen.

I am not that familiar with the AMA Congress positions, Wardy could answer on that subject better than I can, but the Congress is the AMA Body that works out the nitty gritty details that SERA is needing.

My wife and I saw that year after year in our part of the world there was no motorcycle events at all and we figured part of the reason was because no one was doing anything about it.
Everyone was sitting back waiting for someone else to do things or have the AMA fly in a Troop Transport full of AMA Regulars to organize the locals---it don't happen that way.

I will send a copy of your post to Hugh Fleming and Roger Ansel to see if they can help out.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999

Wardy and KWjams are correct, and I have actually talked to Roger Ansel of the AMA about Sera before.

That series and organization is well known and recognized by the AMA , in fact they do a lot of rider advancement and such for enduro from thier structure and region.

As far as a recognized AMA District..
That takes a Board of directors or Club council in that particular region Chartered by the AMA to oversee the whole deal..Hillclimb Dirt Track
MX Enduro Hare Scrambles Trials Etc

In the areas you mentioned this situation doesnt exist but certain Promotors, clubs, and series are indeed AMA santioned.
and all advancement and rule enforcement is done locally by those clubs or by the AMA directly..
NOT by a recognized AMA regional District organization.


Sep 22, 2000
It seems that your question is --what next?

How do you take it to the next level.

Is this the answers that you are looking for?


Jul 26, 1999
It seems that your question is --what next?

Yeah, so what happens next. I assume that there needs to be a similar hierarchy that we already have accept it must cover all aspects. I know that there is a lot of Motocross and other events going on in our area as well.

So, should I try and round up represetation from all of the AMA recognized forms of sport?

I do know that there is an AMA congressman from out district (I think) and I'm pretty sure that I know who he is. I'll talk to him and see what he has to say. I also personally know most of the officers of the AMA clubs (dirt bike clubs that is).

As far as MX goes, I know that there is a series here of all of the Alabama tracks and there's Lorretta Lynn's Qualifiers being run in our district. So, I'm sure that there would be some interest as well.

Two questions.

1. I know that up north (I used to live in MI and was a memeber of D-14 when I was in high school. I wasn't involved though, and never actually compteted at that time) they have events that are mult-district events. How do those work? Basically, we're having multi district events now because our series ecompases two districts. We have an overall champion as well as class champions and we recognize a champion for each of the four states that are represented. So, in a two district race, do you have to score everyone against only the people from their district? And then have standings for only that district? I know that this issue will exist with the MX series as well since it goes over into the west georgia tracks.

2. More importantly. What would be the benefits of getting the district organized and recognized. There's already a lot of AMA activity and sanctioned events taking place in our "unrecognized" district, so how would it be better. It's obviously going to be a lot of work to establish an organization that encompasses all aspects of motorcycling and I'm well aware of what's involved with generating a District newspaper/newsletter. (I have had this job for both the series and my own AMA club before when I was the secretary.)

Thanks again for the responses. I've never really given the AMA that much thought before. It's always been one of those things that you needed to have in order to race. And as a club putting on an event, you needed to have it for insurance.

I now happen to handle Columbus Ohio and all of the surrounding areas as part of my job. So, I spend about 3 days a month in that area and have thought about how close I've been to the AMA offices. Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to go up there and say hi. :)


Sep 22, 2000
I would say that you need to stick with your passion. If Hare Scrambles gets your blood flowing then focus on that format.

Next time you are in the Ohio area stop by. This time of year it may be rare to catch anyone in town though.

Promotion is the key.
To take SERA to the next level you need big names associated with it and that takes money. Riders that will get the attention of the print magazines and big name sponsors is needed.

Look at the success of GNCCC's and the new WORC's. Racing is racing so it must be the methods used to promote themselves that has been the key for them.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
1.Most established Districts will recognize dual District events ..IF the club or promoter is located near the District Border.
Example: Red Bud Track and Trail - It only makes sense for him to sanction
his races for both D14 and D15 as he will be pulling riders from both Districts
by his location near the border.
The riders are scored the same as always.
The only difference is race reports go to each District.Then the finishing points are awarded according to actual finish..They are not seperated out if you follow me?
( Many riders including myself will sign up for both District cards to try and earn awards from both at the years end.So it benefits the promotor and the Districts)

2.The most noticeble benefit of a District is a year end awards program for District Champions.
D-17 pays out about $15,000K worth of awards at the year end awards banquet between all the diciplines of the sport.This keeps riders interested in participating through a long year and better turn outs at the events for the promotors.
Obviously this is more of a benefit if there ARE several promotors and clubs
( in D17 there are 44) .Many of the un-recognized regions there are not competeing promotors and the single organization already holds year end awards banquets etc.So it really depends on the region and how much rider participation already exists between several promotors.
Other benefits is as you mentioned a District newspaper which keeps dealerships and other sponsors involved.

D17's paper is Cycle USA. http://www.cycleusa.com

Average yearly participation in D17 is 26,000 entrees.
So I think the scale of participation in a region also warrants
wether it has a recognized overall Regional or District Organization.
As its a fairly big job to track that many entrees for registration and
year end awards etc?


The other main benefit is cohesion of purpose amoungst many differing diciplines and promotors/clubs in an area?
A district is normally set up in a Club Council style.
And has a Board of Directors to guide things -
but the Clubs and promotors themselves vote yearly for the board members and also the competition rules as well as the general guidelines that every club or promotor in the District follows.Including the Club Council.

So you get a large group of promotors/Clubs voting and establishing the direction thier business and the sport of motorcycling is going in thier region.
Instead of many going all in different directions or to thier individual intents.
Last edited:

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
LOL Wardy..

Hey its the general idea behind it ( A district org)...
I dint say we actually accomplished it?


Sep 22, 2000
Response from Roger Ansel

Hope this helps :)

AMA recognized districts must meet a number of
requirements. Districts 19 and 43 are in the process of moving toward that
level of organization. They are to be a full service motorcycling
organizations. Preferably a Trial riding division. a competition division
including almost all types of activity in the area, and a road riding division.
We will recognize a partial district but prefer not to. All three types of
activity are organized under a Not for Profit District Corporation. After they
have formed and established a constitution an by laws approved by the AMA Board
of Trustees they can then be recognized. Now this explanation is a very simple
explanation but the complete process is much more complicated. All events must
be sanctioned, run under AMA rules, advancement procedures where needed,
championship points and year end awards must be provided and the District must
support the AMA in various other ways. Recognition is not a simple matter for
one type of activity like Enduro riding to undertake.

Like I said there are several groups in both of those District that are working
toward a point to start the recognition process so we will be keeping an eye on
them and be happy to answer any questions they may direct to us. If there any
other questions please contact us again.


Roger Ansel
AMA Sports Manager


Jul 26, 1999

Thanks for the reply. This makes total sense to me.
From an organization point of view, it sounds similar in format to our sanctioning body, but on a much larger scale.

Obviously, the establishment of a district is going to take a lot of work and effort from a number of people. I'm not saying that it's not worth it, I 'm just saying that it's much bigger than a one man job. I now know what we're facing. I'll ask around and see if the people that I suspect are already involved with the AMA are pursuing this process.

Thanks all for the input. I'll let you know how things go down here.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
District or series?

Timr - From an enduro standpoint, I think a series like SERA is better than a district. This is especially true now that there are fewer enduros. In District 17, for example, there are only five enduros on the schedule. Some of them are multi-district enduros, which means the promoting club pays a fee per each rider from another district. If you looked at the number of enduros in districts 14, 15, 16, 17 and 22, that would make one heck of an enduro series.

Just my $0.02 worth.

BTW - Some of the enduros within those districts are part of the Moose Midwest Enduro series.


Jul 26, 1999

I agree. Even with the establisment of a district, we wouldn't want to split up our series. We already have multi-sanctioned events with three other series: SETRA (Alabama is a common state for both SERA and SETRA), BJEC (Arkansas is a common state there) and TSCEC (Louisiana and Arkansas).

So, clubs there are paying a per rider fee to both sanctioning series. And, there's more work when scoring the event because it has to be done with all the rider's for the overall and the AMA and then seperated down to only each series' riders for the season points.

The multi sanctioned events ensure the promting club that attendance will be in the 300+ rider range. Obviously, this makes the dollar figures for the event work out.

I was just curious about Districts, and how they work and how things fit together with the AMA. Now I know.

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