
May 8, 2001
forces from texas and oklahoma converged on village creek saturday nite. guns were set on "automatic trophy". battlefield was in great shape. the enemy was behind every obstacle and bunker. but they were no match for the DRN air force. practice went well. gatorade was pouring out of us just like in the commercials. mx547 was wearing the blue and i had the orange coming out of the top of my head. being short of hair and all. we went to signup and i chose the 30+ and he took on the 38+. i thought things were looking up for me because i drew moto 1. fellow DNRr Jeff Gilbert followed up on our invitation and although we were happy to see him and Tigger, we later became very grateful for his presence. oh yeah, this was the first time my mom had ever seen me ride competitively.

anyway.........we go to the line and im feelin it. like i said "automatic trophy" mode. i get an ok start and am feeling good. second lap in a guy lowsides in a corner and i get around him. this makes me third place whooohooooo!! i try to ride hard because i know he is faster than me. i do this real easy double...go a little long and am going up a step up triple. im dragging the brake to land down in the bottom. but alas the track has my number and i find myself way long and too high but not far enough to triple. that means a really bad long landing on a double. my boots spank the ground as the suspension bottoms out and i go straight off the track. something in my lower right leg is screwed............. emts get me off the track and jeff, who was in my moto must have noticed the emts tending to me. he parks his bike and brings mine back to the trailer. im going Swift white, meaning not very good color. i decide lets go to the hospital. my mom is kind of frantic. she sees me do 1 1/2 laps and go straight to the hospital. hows that for a spode? mx547 asks you want me to load up? and i said nah we will be back. he wishes i would of said yes. i get to the hospital and they wisk me in. i got there before the gunshot and knife fight victims. my wonderful wife is taking care of me when i get a call saying mx547 is on his way to the hospital. i said why? he is hurt...............oh great! im laying in an er and my buddy just couldnt be outdone so he goes and does one up. doc is saying it looks pretty serious tx246 (he didnt really call me that) but his diagnosis wasnt very nice. partial tear of the achilles. :whiner: i get to go see my first orthopedic. xrays suck and they do them twice. yep its not broken. bout that time mx547 goes wheeling by in MY wheelchair. he gets his xrays but doesnt want to see the results he wants to avoid the graphics and just wants an oral presentation by Dr. Johnson. its bad.......multiple breaks and he is 240 miles from home. we get to talking about how and why and ill be @!@$$.........it was on the same lap and jump of his moto. its his right leg and my right leg :think: not only that he was in third when it happened to .........coincidence..i think not. we are chalking it up to bad mojo. it was the 13th afterall. we are currently wrapped from knee down and are sucking down vicadan like good'nplenty candy. he has been down this road before and now im in the "club". i dont like it at all. we are very greatful to jeff gilbert for loading all of our gear so my stepdad could drive the truck. hope you enjoy your trophy jeff........i heard it was pretty cool. we took the 1:30 am express in the mustang home from the hospital........ate all the hot dogs in the house...........and are on this damn computer! its 3:03am and we are going to gently set ourselves in a reclining position. :aj:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Boy that sucks, major. I think craig_enid, Lorin and I will just park our bikes. Three of the original Heartland Spodes down. :( Hope you guys heal in time for DW.
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May 8, 2001
Originally posted by dell30rb
The hartland spodes are cursed!

apparently so...things like this make your bike problems look minor, huh justql? you got off easy.

jay (mx547 at tx246's house). he's still asleep. i got a total of about twenty minutes of sleep last nite. i'm hurting. :whiner:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
OMG! What can I say? I just say the teaser in the HS forum and came straight here for the report. You guys need a driver to shuttle home?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I had already volunteered you and I for that job bswift. Mx547's got it covered.


Apr 28, 2001
I haven't had time to really ride since Memorial day. Been thinking about doing some night practices at 59th + Douglas.... starting to look like bad Mojo for the Heartland Spodes! Wonder who's next? Maybe I need to take up needlepoint.


Mar 23, 2000
I'm sticking to the trail riding, myself.....
Jumping was fun, at Cooperland, but as far as MX racing is concerned, count this old chicken 'out'.


Mar 23, 2000
***VioletSP here***

*surveys the carnage of broken spodes before her*
I'm starting to think that maybe you boys are missing an essential skill that MX requires. Since I've never raced I don't know what it is but I can safely say that you guys are definately doing something wrong. :think:
justql's going to have to add a wheel chair ramp to the Spodemobile. possible an IV drip and xray station as well. on a more positive note you shouldn't have to mow the yard for a while. Hope you all mend quickly and painlessly! ;)


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Damn! If you Heartland Spodes keep getting hurt, there won't be anyone left to cook!

Heal up quick, guys.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
You better watch it VioletSpode, you might be next. I know of one woods rider that broke some ribs and yet another who's wrist is still tight. Even trail riders like us mess up sometimes. I jusst hope that everyone is up to speed before DW.

As far as cooking Okkxer cooked breakfast at Cooperland. Good stuff.
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Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I think I came out pretty lucky. Seeing small improvement everyday. Tough one guys. Give us an update when you can.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Just after 3pm Sunday, I just got home! I had planned on Mosier last night but TX246 & MX547 seemed to really want me to meet up with them at Village so I made the necessary changes of plans. If I had known all they wanted me to do is cart bikes & gear across the facilities and pack the trailer I would have gone to Mosier instead. :p It's not easy loading up 2 pits & 4 bikes right after a moto. :whiner:

The jump Gene & Jay were referring was a tough one for me. Jay & I had talked about it before his 2nd moto and he said he was rolling it. I told him I had been too untill my last couple of laps in moto one. I told him just to commit to it and I was sure he could make it over, after all, he jumped Swifts' bike ;) He said he was gonna give a try in his next moto and he almost made it. Not that I want to see anyone get hurt but you would at least expect to see a rider go down if he's gonna break something, he didn't even bobble. After 2 of the 3 DRNers were down it was time for my last moto. I think it was my 3rd lap I hit the in question double and came up short. I sort of nose dived right into it but luck was on my side. (you see, I have not been formally initiated in to the Heartland Spode Clan) I upshifted and panic revved and yanked up on the bars with all my might and managed to some how save it but in the process pulled a muscle in my left arm.

After Loading up the other spodes and racing my moto it was time for me to load up. By the time I pulled out Jays pit site was empty.

It's 11:30 am and I'm pulling out of Village Creek to make the short drive over to Burleson MX for the night. Plan was to get a good nights rest and race Sunday morning. After topping off the tank in the rv for a full night of uninterrupted air conditioner we hit Burleson at midnight. Tigger & I are the only ones there and it was dark as dark gets. Going from memory I have the perfect place in mind to setup camp, only problem is I have to come in from the opposite direction because of the size of my rig. "No problem, I'll just pull up here and circle around." I make the circle allright but as I start across the road into the "perfect" spot I feel a sharp drop off. It's too late to back up so I gas it. We get about another 10' and we are resting with the back wheels approxamatley 2" off the ground. "Great! No tools to dig but a tire iron and our hands. We struggle for almost 2 hours and I'm thinking I have to get this thing out because I'm blocking the road completely. 2:30 am, a welcome sight! I see two big trucks pulling in and I know one of them. Two tow ropes later and a rear bumper bent out about 4' I'm unstuck! A little after 3am the TV dinner is ready and I'l get some sleep. As I lay there in the rack, hands raw from using as a shovel, I'm so tired i can't go to sleep. I must have dozed off sometime because the lady came banging on the door at 6:30am for the gate money.

Have you ever been to a buffet and put more on your plate than you could possibly eat? I sign up for 2 classes. Moto 1 is over 30 and once again I'm the only one on a tiddler. I get smoked! It didn't help that I got no traction at the gate. I thought for a moment I forgot to put it in gear. My arm is so tight from the infamous Village Creek double I just try and stay upright in that race.

125 beginner I get a better start but the guy in front of me goes down in the 1st turn. It seemed like an eternity before he got out of the way. The best part was passing all the bikes on the 1st lap. I ended up with a 6th and knew I could do better next moto. Incidently the winner of that moto got bumped up to novice and won that one too.

Back to over 30 moto 2. The worn out body just couldn't push the little tidler fast enough to compete with the boys 13 years to my rear, I worked on cornering instead. After that moto I figured I had enough motocross for the weekend and lost any intrest of starting the 2nd 125 moto. I'm already so sore I can't imagine what I'll feel like tomorrow. I packed it up and came home to check on my DRN buds. TX246 & MX547 I'm sorry you got all busted up this weekend but at least be thankful you still have your looks. :p

Next time I'm going to Mosier :p


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Man, I've spent the last few weeks focusing on work and building a house and all hell breaks loose. Heal up quick guys. Maybe its a good thing at the moment I'm trying to sell the bike...


Jan 30, 2000
Dang! Hope you guys heal up - all I got this weekend was a bit of sunburn.


Apr 14, 2001
Jay and Gene,
Get well soon. Hope the both of you can get healed up before the DW'02. (I have yet to send in my registration. Will probably wait until the 3rd week in August before I make a decision to go or not to DW'02...)

Originally posted by mx547
i'm home, i'm tired, i'm hurting. more details tomorrow.

Jay, let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Mason and I are still planning on going to Ascot this weekend. Does Kendall need a ride?

BTW, how can I give that mojo you recently gave me back to you? :)


...lame attempt at humor...


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by motox757
Does Kendall need a ride?

kendall is going to see britney spears that weekend. i might go with you if i'm getting around pretty good.


Sep 14, 2001
Village Creek has claimed many a riders body parts and a few riders as well. I miss the Saturday Nite Flites but not the carnage.
Heal up...nothing like a few bone and cartilage breaks to make you a better weather forecaster!
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